億鴻興企業股份有限公司 我司從事鋼鐵法蘭管件買賣已二十餘年。 通過ISO9002品質認證 產品主要是以鋼管配件、鍛鋼法蘭做為買賣。 銷售範圍遍及全球,包含歐洲ˋ中東ˋ東南亞以及中南美洲。 我們提供最好的服務 最優良的品質以及最快速的交期。 歡迎來信詢價ˋ指教。 We,Billion Henlane Enterprise Corp. have saled forged steel flanges and seamless carbon pipe fittings for 20 years. And we pass the inspection and got ISO 9002 certification. Our marketplace including to Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia and Middle South America. We provide the best service, goods of high quality and the prompt delivery. Welcome your email and inquiry.

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